People + Opportunity

Our Background

Hey there!
We are Scovy Ventures



Hi there!

I’m Claire Henry, the founder and creator of opportunities here at Scovy Ventures. I’m a first-generation American (parents are Brits), California native.

The idea of Scovy Ventures started in 2006-2007 when housing started to go on sale in California. At the time, I thought that real estate investing was inaccessible for someone like me. Boy was I wrong. But here we are in 2020 at the start of a new decade and an incredibly exciting and humbling journey ahead. We are excited for you to visit again in the coming months and year and look in on our growth.

We may be new, but man are we going to grow and go places!

I invite you to look at Our Guides page for information on our board of advisers, mentors, and team members. Then, check out Our Journey to see where we’re going.

So, what’s up with this guy?

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In 2011 I was introduced to the breed of Muscovy ducks. They are the biggest, leanest, quietest, most broody, and best mothers of the domestic duck breeds. They have adorable trilling and whistling sounds, have incredibly humorous and distinct personalities, and are just wonderful to have around. They also eat flies and slugs (gardener here) and misquotes (ugh Texas…)! Basically, they’re the perfect backyard duck breed. Scovy is short for Muscovy. This breed taught me so much about internal and external locus of control, sphere of influence, patience, humility, deeper kindness, more broad compassion, tenacity, grit, and humor. They greet you with head bobs (dancing) and trilling. Sometimes, they’ll even flash a mohawk at you!

They are our mascot to remind us to have fun, work hard, and be amazing.

On another front, you know the adage about the goose and the golden egg? Be careful of what you seek and which you value more.

We aren’t in the business of buying eggs. Instead, we buy the ducks (physical property and land) that lay those golden eggs (cash flow, equity, appreciate, tax depreciation, return on and of investments, safe and clean homes, wealth).

We’re always looking for partners or to partner where we can value add in your ventures!

We bring to the table:

  • Our Virtues

  • Organizational & Project management skills

  • Cat herding abilities

  • Information synthesis

  • Foresight (and curiosity)

  • Patience

  • Access to capital

  • Software development skills

  • Critical analysis (lets dive down a topic or problem, find the gaps and assumptions and make things happen!)

Boise, ID | 2019 - present

Boise ended up as our home after a prolonged search of amenity access across the country. We couldn’t be happier.

I’m excited to be back in the hills with quick and easy access to nature and mountains (California is still missed). Backpacking, hikes, hot springs, mountain biking, the woods, the greenbelt… Happy ducks over here!

San Luis OBispo, Ca | 2003 - 2009


I was in SLO for about 5 years for college. I worked and paid my way through my tenure there as a student and got very good at being frugal in one of the most expensive cities in the state of California.

While there, I refined my love for the beach, surfing, hiking, solo night beach visits, getting stuck at the bottom of bluffs, and operating on my own. It was lonely. I didn’t have community and I wasn’t very good at building it. But I was observant and organized, and bright.

I worked in an environmental lab that tested ground and well water for contaminants and drinking safety. My organizational, scrutinizing, and attention to detail blossomed.

DFW, Texas | 2009 - 2019

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In Spring of 2009 I moved to Fort Worth, Texas. The opportunities Texas afforded me is just amazing: inexpensive cost of living, inexpensive education, great jobs, and nice people.

While going to school at the University of Texas at Arlington,where I completed my undergrad in Biology with a minor in Chemistry, and later my MBA, the real estate itch came back. Living in a college town (Arlington, Texas) really made the idea of house hacking and buying student housing rentals incredibly appealing.

Still, it felt inaccessible for a few years. It wasn’t until 2016 that I realized this was completely in my reach! So I started to learn, read, listen to all that I could about real estate investing.