People + Opportunity

LETS MAKE WAVES TOGETHER - A real estate investment firm



We are bringing together people and real estate opportunities.

We are so happy that you are interested in Scovy Ventures, LLC. We are a real estate investment firm set on acquiring and managing the egg producers, real property! These acquisitions will allow for exponential wealth creation and greater impact in the services we offer our communities.


Learn more about who we are at Scovy Ventures, and what’s up with the ducks

OUR GUIDES: Meet the Team


FIELD NOTES: Some of the how & Our Markets


What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving something in its place I have traded for it. I want it to be a gain, not a loss; good, not evil; success, not failure — in order that I shall not forget the price I paid for it.
— Heartsill Wilson


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